Remit of Members and Trustees
The remit of the Trust’s Members and Trustees are as detailed in the Trust’s Articles of Association and Master Funding Agreement and the prevailing Academies Financial Handbook.
Attendance at Meetings
Members Attendance at Meetings 2022-23
Rt Revd. Dr. Jonathan Gibbs
Rt Revd. Dr. Jonathan Gibbs
Bishop of Rochester
The Venerable Allie Kerr
The Venerable Allie Kerr
Archdeacon of Bromley and Bexley
Revd. Canon Victoria Pask
Revd. Canon Victoria Pask
Area Dean for Bromley
Giles Lambert
Giles Lambert
Chair of the Trust Board
Rochester Diocesan Board of Education
John Constanti
Director of Education - Rochester Diocesan Board of Education
People, Performance & Development Committee
This committee is responsible for ensuring the Trust is leading on policy, reward and people development. Founded to help guide what it means to be an employee of the Aquinas Trust, the aim of the committee is to improve wellbeing, equality and workload throughout the organisation.
Attendance at Meetings
Remit of Members and Trustees
The remit of the Trust’s Members and Trustees are as detailed in the Trust’s Articles of Association and Master Funding Agreement and the prevailing Academies Financial Handbook.
Attendance at Meetings
Trustee Attendance at Meetings 2022-23
Trust Board Members
Giles Lambert, Chair of the Trust Board
Giles Lambert is the Chair of the Trust Board. Giles spent 24 years working for a major global bank, leading teams in both London and Hong Kong. During this time, Giles worked with private and listed companies across the world helping them to raise both debt and equity financing. He currently acts as a consultant, advising the boards of companies looking to list their shares on a stock exchange and/or raise equity capital.
Vicky Cliff, Vice Chair
Vicky Cliff is a member of the Trust Board and both the Education Scrutiny Committee and the People, Performance and Development Committee. She is an independent consultant with experience in coaching, career management and transition, organisational development and training gained within a wide range of corporate sectors, including financial services, energy, pharmaceutical and telecoms, as well as in local government and education. Her previous career encompassed 16 years as a senior manager in the telecoms industry, where she led a large training department, delivering management, engineering and IT training. She has extensive experience of working with executives on personal and leadership development and the delivery of organisational transformation. She has been involved in school governance for over 10 years and was previously Chair of Governors of Chislehurst C.E Primary School.
Sui-Te Wu
Sui-Te Wu is a member of the Trust Board and the Finance and Audit Committee. She is a professional leader in architecture, with reputable track records in world class design with long-term bespoke benefits for the built environment. Through influencing, she consistently engages, integrates and works collaboratively to guide the organisations and stakeholders she engages with in complex circumstances. She is a strategic thinker, steers each challenge with an inquisitive mind, emphasises on human interaction and active listening, while focusing on the “big picture” in the context of organisational progresses. Consequently, she broadens organisations’ visions, maximises values, with emphasis on sustainability, creativity and integrity. Sui-Te ‘s previous experiences include the major project for the Jubilee Extension project, the advisory role as a CABE Enabler, the strategic Client Advisor on a number of major BSF programmes, as well as strategic advisor for Academy Trust and Local Authorities in the UK.
Sue Mordecai, Chair of Education Scrutiny Committee
Sue Mordecai is a member of the Trust Board and Chair of the Education Scrutiny Committee. She was the Head of School Improvement with a Local Authority and worked with primary, special and secondary schools. Sue is currently a trustee and former chair of the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) and in this capacity she continues to deliver keynote speeches and training nationally and internationally. Through NACE Sue has been involved in the research writing and production of national materials commissioned by both Welsh and English governments and has represented NACE on a number of government advisory bodies. She was an Associate Tutor with Oxford Brookes University and an adviser to the International Charles Darwin Trust. Sue is the author of a number of articles and resources related to highly able students and was an educational adviser to the publishers ‘Rising Stars’ and is on the editorial board of the academic journal Gifted Education International. Sue is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Revd. Canon Jeremy Blunden
Revd. Canon Jeremy Blunden is a member of the Trust Board and the Education Scrutiny Committee. He is the Rector of the parish of St George and St Barnabas Beckenham. He is also Area Dean for Beckenham and the Bishop of Rochester’s Adviser for BAME Affairs. He has worked closely with Faith and non-Faith primary and secondary schools in all of the parishes where he has served in the Dioceses of Rochester and Southwark.
Mark Comley
Mark Comley is a member of the Trust Board and the Finance and Audit Committee. During his career of nearly 30 years within the automotive industry, Mark’s role as Company Director has involved quality management, compliance and auditing in a statutory role as an Approved Person for activities regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, financial planning and budgeting, marketing and managing training and development plans for colleagues. He also serves as a Trustee of the registered charity Friends of Cudham School and on the Parochial Church Council of St Peter and St Paul Church, Cudham, as both secretary and member.
Chris Roberts
Chris Roberts is a member of the Trust Board and the Education Scrutiny Committee. He is an experienced education inclusion professional, with almost 20 years expertise gained working in schools, colleges and local authorities around behaviour, attendance, safeguarding and alternative education. Chris currently works for a schools led area education partnership in London, where he is the senior adviser leading on work with schools on safeguarding and inclusion. He is also a member of the senior leadership team. Chris has previously been management committee vice-chair at a Pupil Referral Unit.
Simon Pink, Chair of Finance and Audit Committee
Simon Pink is a member of the Trust Board and Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee. He initially worked at the National Audit Office, where he qualified as an accountant, whilst working on central government areas such as education, heath and social security. After two years seconded to HM Treasury, Simon moved to work in the museums sector at the Wallace Collection. After five years he moved into the education sector, working as Finance Director/COO across three different multi academy trusts. Simon is also a Member at the Rise Partnership Trust and has acted as a local governor and chair of governors at a number of schools across London and the South.
Education Scrutiny Committee
This committee is responsible for monitoring standards of achievement and progress at all Trust academies, advising on priorities for improving educational outcomes, preparing educational policies and agreeing on appropriate action where an academy’s outcomes are of concern.
Attendance at Meetings
Finance, Audit & Risk Committee
This committee is responsible for financial review and monitoring, budget setting, external audit in terms of the year end accounts, effective financial control, risk management, internal audit of Trust’s processes and procedures and approval of financial policies and procedures.